What is so unique about personal health data?

Health data is an essential tool for modern medicine, and it is becoming increasingly digitized and integrated into electronic health records and other health information systems. However, the collection, use, and sharing of personal health data can have significant implications for patient privacy and autonomy.

Health data is different from other forms of personally identifiable information because it is often considered to be sensitive personal information. Health data can include information about an individual's physical or mental health, medical history, and genetic information. This type of information is considered private and personal, and individuals may be hesitant to share it due to concerns about privacy and discrimination.

Furthermore, health data is often subject to specific legal and ethical requirements for its collection, use, and disclosure. For example, in many countries, there are laws that govern how health data can be collected, stored, and shared, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. These laws are in place to protect the privacy and confidentiality of health information and ensure that individuals have control over how their health data is used.

Let us delve deeper…

Before, health data was mostly limited to analogue medical records, which were the only way to determine an individual's health. Patients were more likely to be informed in such circumstances of what data about them was being gathered by medical personnel and what was being done with this data for their treatment. Analogue health data has historically gone through the stages of the life cycle. For example, in order to limit the TB pandemic in India from the mid-1980s, data has been collected on a large scale, pooled, and analyzed.

Yet, in the age of big data, broader ways of data collecting are fueled, particularly by allowing the acquisition of data that may not necessarily reflect the individual’s health. An early example of this was the use of proxy data regarding socioeconomic conditions to predict health. In this regard, health data can now include both clinical and non-clinical information. Clinical health data encompasses all information gathered during a clinical encounter within traditional clinical boundaries, such as lab test results, patient diagnosis, and so on. Self-reported health data, data from wearable devices (step count, sleep patterns), environmental data (air quality), social media data (user posts), behavioral data (smoking, alcohol usage, food, drugs, sexual history), and socioeconomic data are examples of non-clinical health data.

Other types of data, such as a person's buying history, driving habits, and so on, may also enter the picture. Despite such data points are not obvious indicators of health, given the increasingly networked databases in which health data is maintained, this data can enter health databases as well. As a result, the lines between what types of data may be used to forecast an individual's health have blurred.

With the development of novel, non-clinical determinants of health, our digital phenotypes have now expanded to incorporate data from sources other than our immediate bodies, such as social and environmental variables. Some researchers say that in today's digitized environments, health data may be described as any data linked to health and well-being that is pervasive, complete, personalized, and measurement-based, but others contend that 'all data is health data.' What kind of data may be collected to forecast a person's health is one of the key developments that has resulted from the use of big data in healthcare and the concomitant disembodiment of health data.


To a limited extent, laws governing the NDHM ecosystem recognize some non-clinical data as health data, such as fitness tracker data. However, current policies make no attempt to address the challenges that arise as a result of different types of health data being treated differently within broader policy frameworks. In India, for example, most fitness trackers are not categorized as medical devices and hence are not subject to the same restrictions as medical devices, despite the fact that the data they gather is used to forecast a person's health. These rules are primarily intended to govern the manufacturing, importation, sale, and distribution of medical equipment in the nation. This creates a governance gap, and many novel health data applications are in danger of falling through it.

In conclusion, personal health data is a valuable resource for modern medicine, but it must be collected, used, and shared in a way that prioritizes patient autonomy, privacy, and equity.


References used,

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